Niniri Niri
Title: Archon
Homeland: New Sharlayan/Dravania
Species: Dunesfolk Lalafell
Field of Study: Archaeology, specializing in the Fifth Astral Era
Studium Thesis: A Treatise on the Peculiarities of Nymian-Kobold Diplomatic Relations – a Way Forwards?
Archon Niniri Niri has long been a scholar with a passion for history. She is neither the highest or lowest of her colleagues in respect and achievement, but has gained a reputation for diligence and hard work, albeit with a slightly willful side. The Archon is a fence-sitter in terms of Sharlayan interventionism, seeking both the prosperity of the wider world while understanding and sympathizing with the pseudo-pacifistic convictions of her kin in Sharlayan. A trip to the shores of the Bronze Lake in her youth, not yet drained in those days, triggered her interest in the Fifth Astral Era, a pursuit that has taken her from the salt-flats of Yafaem to the valleys of Abalathia’s Spine.

Elioaux Forgeraunt
Title: Archon/Smith
Homeland: New Sharlayan/Dravania
Species: Wildwood Elezen
Field of Study: The relationship between aether and artisanry.
Studium Thesis: The Connections Between Materia, Aetheryte and the Soul.
Born in the years shortly before the Garlean occupation of Ala Mhigo Elioaux was old enough to recall the preparations and exodus from his home of Idyllshire to the motherland of Sharlayan. Ever fascinated with the manufacture of goods whether they be Armor or Aetherite he endeavored to unravel the mystery and master the craft of creation. Desiring to further his education after reaching the rank of archon he began to travel the continent of Eorzea. Bearing witness for the need of documenting the events and many phenomena there and the need for ready access of this information for the common folk. He has begun to write primers and treaties for all to use.

Isaudorel Lanverlais
Title: Engineer
Homeland: Ishgard
Species: Wildwood Elezen
Field of study: Allagan automata
Born in the Brume of Ishgard, Isaudorel quickly learned that there were only three ways to survive the trails of childhood; be fast, be strong, or be smart. Having chose the latter he helped lead a small band of vagabonds – planning their heists of various noble houses. His luck eventually ran out though when he decided to join in on one of the heists and was left behind. Fortunately the house being robbed was that of House Haillenarte – who quickly sized up the boy and his talents. From there he was brought to and offered an apprenticeship at the Skysteel Manufactory. He spent the majority of the last ten years in service to the Manufactory before being recruited to join the Garlond Ironworks. It was during this time he gained his love for Allagan Automatons – a skill that eventually found him a place as The Archivist – creating automatons to assist in the sorting and indexing of the vast array of resources the archives brings in, studies, and creates.

X’rett Tia
Title: Archon
Homeland: New Sharlayan/Dravania
Species: Seeker of the Sun Miq’ote
Field of Study: Arcanima, conjury
Studium Thesis: The Application of Arcanima in Long-Term Physical Care
A sensitive soul, X’rett always believed the best applications for magic were to be found in healing, not combat. After graduating from the Studium, he became a medic and caretaker in one of Sharlayan’s hospitals, developing new long-term treatments aimed at improving quality of life for the permanently injured. The island nation’s policy of non-interventionism never sat right with him, as X’rett felt their magic and knowledge could be used to help many in need, independent of war. He was moved by Louisoux’s stance and the formation of the Circle of Knowing, although he was not a part of it, and determined that he too would go to Eorzea and help once he was able. Years later, once his affairs were in order, he decided to make the sojourn; both seeking and sharing new knowledge for the betterment of all.
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