Excerpt from ‘Records on the Traverse of Dalamud’s Ruins – A Handbook for Scholars of Allag’ by Archon Niniri Niri.
It was at the zenith of ancient Allag, during the second reign of Xande, the revived Emperor, that the elder primal Bahamut was captured and ensorcelled within a colossal metal sphere containing vast apparatus aimed at imprisoning the primal and draining its power. This sphere would later go on to gain the name Dalamud, likely a derivation of Bahamut’s own name by later peoples, and was intended to generate power enough not only to sustain the Empire, but to bring destruction upon it by the madness-invoked apocalyptic designs of the Emperor. The Warrior of Light, in conjunction with the Scions of the Seventh Dawn and other adventurers explored the ruins produced by the fall of Dalamud in response to a loud roar emitting from them, eliciting fears that the Elder Primal’s threat may yet remain. This work is produced using testimony from these groups, as well as records volunteered by the Garlond Ironworks and recovered from the XIVth and VIIth legions of Garlemald.
Bioweapon Development
The brave adventurers entered the IC-06 Internment Hulk in the center of its bulk and in the midst of the ship’s bioweapon storage area, specifically the area used to release the bioweapon cargo. They arrived in this area by teleporting into the depths through a minor aetheryte due to the immense amount of rock blocking any more rational entry.

The Bioweapon Subsections
The Bioweapon Storage subjections held a number of creatures stored in odd prismoid chambers that are rarely seen elsewhere.

Neurokinetic Linkup
An odd middle area used simply for transit, the etymology of this area was a little complex. Neurokinetic may mean that the transit devices here are activated by the user’s mind, while it links up two areas.

Alpha Concourse
As the saviors of Eorzea progressed through the wreckage they came upon a large platform surrounded by various glass capsules home to tens and tens of Meracydian dragons kidnapped from their home many millennia ago and frozen here to be exploited by those who invaded their homeland to continually summon their beloved fallen leader’s twisted shade, Bahamut. A concourse is a wide open space within or just outside of a public structure, and this certainly is a wide open space.

Outer Regeneration Grid
Deep within the shards of Dalamud the intrepid explorers found a replica of the false moon itself, the regeneration grid. This was the device used to subvert the will of Meracydian dragons, combine it with aether and direct it to regenerate and resummon Bahamut.

IC-01, 02, 04, 08 & 09 Control
A number of colossal tomestones were found inserted into the hull of the regeneration grid, as they were into the true Dalamud. These likely contained what Isaudorel tells me is called ‘software’, responsible for controlling and regulating the function of the grid.

Coil Operations Deck
This would have likely once been the part of the regeneration grid that was manned either by men of Allag, or more likely, Allagan Nodes and sophisticated software responsible for guiding the grid through its functions.

Core Override
At the center of the regeneration grid the Warrior of Light found a large golden platform that seemingly acts as an override for the functions of the orb, but apparently just using this was not enough to prevent Bahamut’s regeneration as the saviors of Eorzea continued onwards.

IC-06 Main Bridge
Continuing onwards the expedition found the very chamber in which Bahamut was being regenerated, sustained by a vast internment hulk. They seem to have arrived at the peak of the internment hulk responsible for the regeneration grid, before the tiered platforms typical of Allagan ship bridges, peaked by a console doubtless used for the control of the ship.

The Burning Heart
The vestigial aether of Louisoix Leveilleur allowed the explorers of the Coils to access the second of the two internment hulks by using his last remaining fragments of aether to teleport them atop its bridge, but alas they were too late and Bahamut was able to awaken himself. The party then used the power of Louisoix to force themselves into the very heart of Bahamut himself. This essentially took the form of the explorers being rendered into their composite aether and sent into his heart, where they faced a reflection of Bahamut’s own aether in order to disable him so that the Leveilleur twins might disable the hulk back up in the real world and render Bahamut inert.

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