The Myrmidons Taxonomy: Vilekin (Antling) Description: Antlings are common creatures in the deserts of Aldenard and are in almost every way simply enormous ants. Their 'societies' are divided in twain, between a worker and soldier caste. A number of variants of these creatures are native to the Cry, first and foremost being the sentries. Members of the soldier caste, these creatures seem to have acted as guardians for the sensitive parts of the nest deeper within. The adventurers who cleared the Cry also reported the presence of a princess deeper within. A princess arises in a rare birth, at which point the queen will take half of the colony and depart, allowing the princess to flower into a queen in their own right. Nearby … [Read more...]
Cutter’s Cry – Grave of the Darklight
Excerpt from ‘The history of Thanalan, from Belah’dia to Ul’dah’ by Archon Niniri Niri. Cutters Cry is one of the most dangerous locations in Thanalan, if not all of Aldenard. A simple shaded cave to an inexperienced observer, the depths of the cave are both immense, labyrinthine and filled to the brim with extraordinarily dangerous wildlife. Not long before the Seventh Umbral Calamity struck the world a famed group of adventurers resolved to empty the Cry of its ferocious inhabitants. The legendary Gerbald the Red led the Darklight Raiders into the caves, and these veteran warriors made good progress through the Cry before coming to a terror forgotten by history, a chimera of ancient Allag. All but one raider was slain, the sole … [Read more...]