The Spriggans Taxonomy: Soulkin (Spriggan) Description: Despite their seemingly corporeal nature, spriggan are essentially the animated forms of aetherial earthen energy, and are frequently referred to as being the ‘will of earth.’ That the personality and abilities of the spriggan are determined by the stones they hold implies that their primary source for this energy is derived from their constant companion. There are a number of different kinds of spriggan within the mines, given names by the miners that once frequented them. The first is a grouping named ‘Copper Coppers’ possibly a reference to the use of the word ‘cop’ as a term for receiving or taking something, as in they take copper ore. The second group are … [Read more...]
The Copperbell Mines – Ul’dah’s Shame
Excerpt from ‘The history of Thanalan, from Belah'dia to Ul’dah by Archon Niniri Niri. It had long been claimed by the powers of Ul’dah that the abandonment of the copper mining operation commonly known as the Copperbell Mines three hundred years ago was due to the drying up of the veins within, and that the mines were off-limits due to monsters that had moved in after the abandonment. When the powerful Amajina & Sons Mineral Concern reclaimed the mines, however, using new mining techniques in an attempt to reach valuable veins too deep for the ancient mines to exploit they discovered the true end of the Copperbell Mines. The Thorne dynasty of Ul’dah, rulers in a two hundred year interregnum of the ‘Ul dynasty, were ardent … [Read more...]