Excerpt from ‘Records on the Traverse of Dalamud’s Ruins – A Handbook for Scholars of Allag’ by Archon Niniri Niri. It was at the zenith of ancient Allag, during the second reign of Xande, the revived Emperor, that the elder primal Bahamut was captured and ensorcelled within a colossal metal sphere containing vast apparatus aimed at imprisoning the primal and draining its power. This sphere would later go on to gain the name Dalamud, likely a derivation of Bahamut’s own name by later peoples, and was intended to generate power enough not only to sustain the Empire, but to bring destruction upon it by the madness-invoked apocalyptic designs of the Emperor. The Warrior of Light, in conjunction with the Scions of the Seventh Dawn and other … [Read more...]
The Two Dynasties of Ul’Dah
From a small pamphlet entitled ‘A Primer on Eorzean Geopolitics for New Researchers’ by Archon Niniri Niri. The First Rule of Ul: The Ul dynasty is, in truth, a branch of the Belah'dian ruling dynasty, and emerged from that ancient bloodline in the year 964 of the Sixth Astral Era. The events that triggered this was the death of the reigning Sultan of Belah'dia and the succession crisis that ensued between Sasagan and Sasawefu, who had begun a civil war over the throne even before their father's demise, eventually culminating in the dissolution of Belah'dia in the year of 969 and the founding of Thanalan's twin nations, Sil'dih, ruled by Sasawefu and Ul'dah, under Sasagan, founder of the Ul dynasty. Soon after this founding Sasagan went … [Read more...]
The Bestiary of Brayflox’s Longstop (Hard)
Eoraptor Taxonomy: Scalekin (Raptor) Description: Named for their immense speed, raptors such as these dwell in arborial regions and hunt in packs, employing surprisingly intelligent tactics in their pursuit of prey. Their attacks have been increasingly focused on spoken. Capabilities: These particular raptors were able to emit 'frost breaths', gusts of what seemed to be air and saliva frozen into a harmfully cold haze. Etymology Notes: Eoraptors were real dinosaurs, named for the latin word for dawn, eos. This was in reference to the fact that the eoraptor was one of the earliest dinosaurs to evolve. The Coeurls Taxonomy: Beastkin (Coeurl) Description: Coeurl are beastkin native to the Near … [Read more...]
Brayflox’s Longstop (Hard) – Dairy Conflicts
Excerpt from ‘The history of Vylbrand, from Nym to Limsa Lominsa’ by Archon Niniri Niri. Brayflox Alltalks, the ever-industrious former quartermaster of the Company of Heroes, approached the ruin of her Longstop with stereotypically goblin resourcefulness, setting about to re-open it promptly. Unfortunately her work was disturbed somewhat by the untimely intervention of the mysterious Illuminati, goblin hoarders of knowledge seeking certain culinary secrets relating to cheese, an important cultural touchstone for their species. The Illuminati used their prodigious mechanized forces to break the Longstop, sending the unfortunate miss Alltalks running. It later came out however that Brayflox had stolen these cheese secrets from the … [Read more...]
A Brief Primer on the Rulers of Eorzea
From a small pamphlet entitled ‘A Primer on Eorzean Geopolitics for New Researchers’ by Archon Niniri Niri. Kan-E-Senna - Elder Seedseer of Gridania Kan-E of the Senna family is a padjal of immense power and wisdom who leads the Seedseer Council, the presiding body of her forested home. Perhaps her most noted trait is the unprecedented ability for prophecy she has exhibited since a young age, a gift often attributed by her subjects to blessings from the elementals of the Shroud and the Twelve themselves. In her childhood, Kan-E was already protecting her home from catastrophe via her prophetic gifts, predicting fires and other such disasters with uncanny clarity. The padjal left her homeland to enter seclusion in the woods and commune … [Read more...]
The Bestiary of Halatali (Hard)
Pit Basilisk Taxonomy: Scalekin (Basilisk) Description: Natives of Aldenard, basilisks are fiercely territorial creatures that have a particularly dark place in Eorzean culture, where they often represent evil. The beasts of Halatali were used as training for gladiators and as part of spectacle fights in the arenas. Capabilities: The basilisks of Halatali were able to unleash the baleful energy of their 'cold gaze' in order to freeze and petrify the bodies of their prey. Pit Wolf Taxonomy: Beastkin (Wolf) Description: Fearsome pack creatures that roam the forests of Eorzea, wolves such as these were previously more or less harmless towards the spoken races and their holdings. With the cataclysmic … [Read more...]
Halatali (Hard) – A Glory Returned
Excerpt from ‘The history of Thanalan, from Belah’dia to Ul’dah’ by Archon Niniri Niri. After the reclamation of Halatali by a number of adventurers for Ul'dah, it underwent a period of restoration that allowed it to begin function as a training hall for the gladiators of the Bloodsands once more. Again, the halls of the ancient cave complex rang with the clangor of combat. Halatali has since also begun to hold public events, acting as a secondary arena to the Bloodsands and hosting the grand finale of the Mythril Cup. The Hall of the Provocatores The initial hall of Halatali had received considerable restoration, with discarded weapons gathered up, furnishings restored, banners hung and lighting fixed. During the period in … [Read more...]
From a particularly dogeared copy of ‘Research Team Guidelines’ by Archon Niniri Niri. In order to discuss aetherytes one must begin with the fundamental nature of the world. The world is composed of two dimensions, the corporeal world and the aetherial one, sometimes referred to as the lifestream. When something, or someone, in the corporeal world is destroyed or dies their aether passes into the lifestream and when new life is born or new matter formed, it draws from the lifestream, creating a cyclical system. These two worlds are close to each other at some points, and further at others. In areas where the two worlds are close, a living creature may reserve their sense of will while discorporated into a form of pure aether, a … [Read more...]
The Bestiary of the Lost City of Amdapor
Demonstool Taxonomy: Seedkin (Funguar) Description: Funguar such as these are considered delicacies in Eorzea for their surpassing texture and taste, although this author struggles to believe it can stand up to the humble yet utilitarian function of the archon loaf. Funguar are widespread across the world, but thrive mostly in forests and moist caves. The name demonstool may be a reference to the malevolence of these creatures, or perhaps the voidsent's influence on the city. Wamoura Taxonomy: Vilekin (Wamoura) Description: Vile creatures, regarded often by Gridanians as symbols of decay and disaster due to their foul existence. wamoura feed using a fanged proboscis, which it uses to drain the fluids of … [Read more...]
New video release 6/30/2021
There is a new video up on the City States of Eorzea! Check it out here. Let us know what you think of it! … [Read more...]
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